Hairfall Treatment

Hairfall Treatment

Ayurveda treatment for Hair-fall includes diet, meditation, yoga and local oil application with regular massage. This means Ayurveda recommends some lifestyle changes in order to reduce Hair fall. If you notice that your hair falls every time you comb your hair or simply run your hand through it. There is nothing to worry about. Shedding about 100 hairs on a daily basis is a common occurrence. Hair fall is a common phenomenon in all individuals. However, when the ratio of hair-fall to new follicle development is varied this can be considered as a serious hair condition. Hair loss is a common problem faced by many. Baldness in men is at least accepted in the society, but it is not the same for women. Just like any other part of our body, hair is also considered to be part of our body. So taking care of you hair is important too.

Ayurveda offers some effective external therapies as well as some oral herbal medication for controlling Hair fall and promoting hair growth. Ayurvedic herbs like Bhringaraj, Amla are known to promote hair growth and can be used for oral consumption in combination with local massages to get the optimum results.

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